7. Mexico
May 1975 – August 1976
Theater performance, beach, children.
Black & White images and Colorslides
The story continues with the tribe reunited in Mexico in the chapter: Hathi Babas died Here.
We were to spend the next year and a half in Mexico. Mostly in the suburbs of Mexico City where a house next to the railroad tracks had been lent to us. Newly regrouped we started to practice in the spacious garden. Yoga, meditation and acting. We also got a new bus. Alberto and myself had gone to Los Angeles and after a month we found a treasure. A converted school bus. A Ford from 1958 fit us perfectly. Now we could explore the surroundings, going to the beach north of Acapulco and soon also south to Guatemala. In Los Angeles we had watched Alice Cooper’s Welcome to my nightmare and home at our base in the city we made our own version: Welcome to our LIFE-MARE.